The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Written by

Natascia Vervena on May 2, 2024

updated on: May 2, 2024

Take your digital marketing strategy to the next level with the help of AI. Artificial intelligence is an advanced technology that can boost your return on investment for all your marketing campaigns. Time-saving is the result of smart content creation ideas, analysis, and automation. An online marketing agency in Calgary understands how to implement AI technology to help your business grow by improving customer relationships and utilizing data to improve business decisions.

Ease of Creation

Getting Started

Are you stuck trying to create content for a topic you find difficult to write about? Artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT can scour the internet for multiple sources in a matter of minutes and connect you with information you can use to write your content. This cuts down on research time, giving you the ability to utilize targeted content and get more work accomplished under tight deadlines.

What Content to Use and What Not to Use

The fact is that AI is good but not always reliable. Ensure that the content you choose is factual. While AI bots offer a host of great content ideas, you always need to check the legitimacy of the source. You want your content to reflect your brand and incorporate your company’s values and ideas. Use AI content as a starting point then edit and personalize it to speak to your target audience. Be sure to use your own words when creating blogs, web content, and such. If you copy and paste everything AI has provided word for word, you are plagiarizing. Think of AI as your personal assistant that helps you research and generate ideas when you are experiencing writer’s block. Keep your content human; there are enough bots to go around.

Getting into the Details

AI analyzes the web for the consumer’s shopping preferences and highly popular topic searches. This can benefit your business by using this information to create campaigns focused on products or services in demand. When you know what consumers are looking for, you can use AI tools to help in the creation of email campaigns to garner the interest of your target audience. Spending time focused on their likes improves personalization and forms a connection to your brand. This enables you to maximize your ROI faster.

A person holding a small robot in their hand

Similarly, artificial intelligence can predict customers behaviours by finding features in ads they like. Targeting these key components helps you make a sale more easily. This data-driven insight can help you understand your customer through accurate social behavioural prediction. The use of historical data can predict engagement patterns, so you can choose the targeted social platforms and advertising language that drives sales to your target audience.

What is the pattern for success? AI recognizes and forecasts successful campaigns so let it scour the internet for marketing keywords and tactics that have worked. AI helps you get an edge over your competitors and for even more of an edge, connect with an online marketing agency in Calgary for optimal AI usage.

It’s Automatic

Wouldn’t it be easier if your ads were automatically personalized to align with your campaign focus? AI can automate your ads by matching your landing page messaging to your paid ads. Hundreds of pages can be optimized at once, cutting down on manual processing and increasing your pay-per-click ad results. The benefits are automatic.

You know where to focus your marketing efforts when AI shows you the way. This helps you aim your budget in the right direction and cut down on trial-and-error losses.

Enhancing Your Customer Experience Through AI

Artificial intelligence can guide you down a more personalized digital marketing road. The aim of your marketing efforts is to gain the attention of your target audience and increase sales. AI can help you form a quicker connection, increase ROI, accelerate your content creation, and make business decisions easier. Digital marketing services in Calgary from an online marketing agency in Calgary can help you hone in on the advantages of AI. At Digital Monk Marketing, we help you understand and use AI to benefit your business and represent your brand in the best way possible.